Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Game to Master Multiplication

A few years ago I was discussing mastering multiplication facts with a Jr. High Math Teacher and learned that she felt that the website was an excellent way for students to practice their multiplication facts and memorize them.  She used it with her own children and felt that it truly did help!  The great thing about this website is that it actually looks like a video game (which most children love), but they are practicing their facts as they work through the different levels.  I highly recommend that each of my students have a computer to use (either at home, or possibly a relatives house) where they can use this game.  It does take some downloading, but you don't have to buy anything.  The free version is just a good as the one that is available to be purchased.  Of course, if you wish to purchase the deluxe version that would be fine as well.  Anything that we can do to promote learning for our children is a step in the right direction!

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